01. How long does shipping take?

Normal delivery within Europe usually takes 2-7 working days.

02. How does the return process work?

You can return the purchased products within 14 days of receipt, provided they are returned complete and undamaged.

The self-serve return will help with your return request. This is how it works:
1. Log in to your account:
(1). In the Email field, enter your email address, and then click Continue.
(2). In your email account, open the email sent from our store and copy the six-digit verification code included in the email.
(3). Go back to the online store, and then enter a six-digit verification code.

2. Click the order that you want to submit the return for.
3. If your order has more than one item, then select the items that you want to return.
4. Select a return reason and add a note for the store.
5. Click Request return.

If your return request is approved and requires shipping, then you receive an email with shipping instructions and a return shipping label. Please print and include this email in the package. Without it, we cannot process your return.

After the product is returned, you receive a refund.

03. How long does the refund take?

The refund money will be sent within 14 working days refunded to the debited account upon receipt of the return.

If you have any further questions about our return policy, please send an email to info@europapa.com.